
W帽子 Should You Bring to bte365官网地址?

我们很高兴你问了! Here’s a list of things you may want to bring as you transition to the Hilltop! Note: These are just to help you think! They are not all absolutely necessary. 🙂

One of the most important things to remember is t帽子 you don’t need to bring your life to college. You have a limited amount of space t帽子 you’re probably sharing with another person. Keep it light; keep it neat.

Your life now consists of dorms, classes, dining hall, and lots of fun. Don’t let this list influence you to buy stuff t帽子 you’re not going to use. The main thing to keep in mind is saving money and downsizing.

另一方面, you’re going to be on your own (maybe for the first time) and there may be a lot of things you usually don’t have to think about (laundry supplies, 菜, 等).


  • 2 sets of bed sheets (twin)
  • 2 or 3 pillows/pillowcases
  • light blanket/heavy blanket
  • mattress pad (memory foam is the best)
  • 床下的存储


  • laptop or desktop (laptops are best)
  • ethernet cable (although most places on campus now have wifi)
  • u盘
  • 键盘/鼠标/鼠标垫
  • power strip with surge protector (make sure to buy one with a long cord)


  • pens/pencils/highlighters/markers/sharpies
  • 剪刀
  • 计算器
  • 订书机/斯台普斯
  • 胶/磁带
  • cup to put your pens/pencils in
  • 橡皮擦
  • 活页纸
  • notebooks/binders/folders
  • 3-hole穿孔
  • 便利贴
  • 背包/书包
  • assignment notebook/planner
  • 日历
  • 台灯
  • 信封和邮票
  • 静止的
  • 橡皮筋/回形针
  • garbage can (metal or plastic is best)


  • Bible/devotional Materials
  • wall decorations (t帽子 will go up with very small nails or tacks)
  • 圣诞灯
  • 电话/充电器
  • 演讲者
  • 空气清新剂
  • 电池
  • small vacuum cleaner (You will need to provide your own cleaning supplies)
  • AC (must be brand new/ cannot exceed 8,000 BTUs ) ($75 per semester)


  • microwave ($75 per semester)
  • mini fridge ($75 per semester)
  • a few plastic bowls/plates/cups
  • knife (blade less than 3” long)
  • 几把叉子/勺子
  • 可重复使用的水瓶
  • 海绵
  • small bottle of dish 肥皂
  • 芯片剪辑
  • plastic food containers (like Tupperware)


  • 简单的苹果
  • 拉面
  • 花生酱
  • 能多益
  • 蜂蜜
  • 速溶咖啡
  • 糖的数据包
  • powder coffee creamer/little coffee creamer cups
  • 格兰诺拉燕麦卷
  • 麦片
  • 燕麦片包
  • 爆米花
  • 手边有汤
  • 流行
  • 能量饮料


  • 浴巾(3条就好)
  • 浴袍
  • 毛巾
  • shower caddy (rubber kind, and make sure it drains)
  • designated shower flip flops
  • 吹风机
  • 卷发棒
  • 扁铁
  • 发刷和梳子
  • 小镜子


  • 防晒霜
  • 洗发水
  • 护发素
  • 肥皂
  • 剃须膏/凝胶
  • 剃须刀
  • 洗面奶
  • 乳液
  • 漱口水
  • 牙刷
  • 牙膏
  • 纸巾盒
  • 镊子
  • 护发产品
  • 除臭
  • 牙线
  • 棉签
  • 棉花球
  • 女性卫生用品


  • 邦迪牌创可贴
  • 抗菌软膏
  • 维生素
  • 泰诺/艾德维尔
  • 超大剂量Dayquil / Nyquil感冒药
  • 止咳药片
  • 接触液等


  • 牛仔裤
  • 衣服裤子
  • 衬衫
  • 衬衣
  • Suit/tie (required for dress level A for men)
  • 衬衫
  • skirts (jean, casual, dressy)
  • 礼服
  • 紧身裤
  • tights/stockings/nylons (required for dress levels A & B代表女士)
  • 睡衣
  • 运动衫
  • 毛衣
  • 袜子
  • 内衣
  • 开拓者
  • 冬季夹克
  • 薄夹克
  • 防雨外套
  • 羊毛衫
  • 背心


  • 腰带
  • 围巾
  • 钱包
  • 帽子
  • 手套/手套
  • sunglasses/帽子er blockers


  • 冬天的靴子
  • 皮靴
  • 高跟鞋/礼服鞋
  • 公寓
  • 拖鞋
  • 网球鞋
  • 不系鞋带的
  • boat shoes/casual dress shoes
  • 你可以穿的鞋子


  • 洗衣袋
  • laundry hamper (plastic is best)
  • laundry detergent/softener sheets
  • tide-to-go stick/stain remover
  • iron (must be automatic shut-off)


  • 社会保障卡
  • 护照
  • 保险卡
  • 身份证/驾照
  • student ID card (will be issued to you when you arrive)
  • 灯泡
  • 手电筒
  • 耳塞
  • 胡椒喷雾
  • 钥匙链
  • 安全
  • sports equipment (if you plan on playing)
  • 杀虫剂
  • closet organizers/drawers


  • All school furniture must stay in your room unless you have specific permission from your Dean to move it elsewhere, and rooms must remain set up for their maximum occupancy.
  • Only use very small nails to hang things and do not use any nails or screws on the woodwork/trim.
  • Do not use adhesives to hang things on walls, doors or woodwork. You may use magnets on your door.
  • Posters of movie stars, secular bands, sports figures, etc. are not considered appropriate with bte365官网地址 lifestyle. All pictures and decorations must be in harmony with God’s Word.
  • Pictures of couples on display must be in harmony with bte365官网地址 policies.


  • Halls must remain clear at all times.
  • You must exit the building when the fire alarm goes off. 当它响起时, go out the nearest stairwell and make your way to the designated area for your dorm.
  • No extension cords or plug-ins with multiple outlets are allowed. Power strips with a built-in breaker are allowed. Power strips are designed for electronics only (not A/C’s refrigerators, irons, etc.).
  • Do not hang anything over your door (as this breaks the fire seal).
  • No open flames are allowed (this includes candles). Microwaves are the only cooking devices allowed in your room.
  • Irons must be automatic shut-off only.
  • Never leave food cooking unattended in a microwave or in the kitchen.


7 hacks for a better college life.


W帽子 the GBS life is really like.

Hi! 我是理查德·迈尔斯.

We look forward to helping you develop your relationship with God and with others as we live life together on our historic campus.

Call me if you need anything.

513-721-7944 x7114

Hi! 我是理查德·迈尔斯.

We look forward to helping you develop your relationship with God and with others as we live life together on our historic campus.

Call me if you need anything –  513-721-7944 x7114.
